sdsl::util::_id_helper | |
sdsl::_lcp_support_sada< Csa, BitVector, SelectSupport > | A class for the compressed version of lcp information of an suffix array of class Csa proposed by Sadakane in the paper "Succinct Representation of lcp Information and Improvements in the Compressed Suffix Arrays" |
sdsl::_lcp_support_tree< Lcp, Cst > | |
sdsl::_lcp_support_tree2< SampleDens, Cst > | |
sdsl::_node< size_type > | |
sdsl::binomial< n > | |
sdsl::binomial_coefficients< n > | A class for the binomial coefficients up to n |
sdsl::binomial_coefficients_trait< log_n > | Trait class for the binomial coefficient class to handle different type of intergers |
sdsl::binomial_coefficients_trait< 7 > | Specialization of binomial_coefficients_trait for 128-bit integers |
sdsl::binomial_coefficients_trait< 8 > | Specialization of binomial_coefficients_trait for 256-bit integers |
sdsl::bit_magic | A helper class for bitwise tricks on 64 bit words |
sdsl::bit_vector_interleaved< blockSize > | A bit vector which interleaves the original bit_vector with rank information |
sdsl::bp_interval< Int > | |
sdsl::bp_interval_p< Int > | |
sdsl::bp_support_g< NearestNeighbourDictionary, RankSupport, SelectSupport, RangeMaxSupport > | A class that provides support for bit_vectors that represent a balanced parentheses sequence. Implementation was proposed by Geary et al. (CPM 2004) and extended by Ohlebusch and Gog (SPIRE 2009) |
sdsl::bp_support_gg< NearestNeighbourDictionary, RankSupport, SelectSupport > | A class that provides support for bit_vectors that represent a balanced parentheses sequence. Implementation was proposed by Geary et al. (CPM 2004) and extended by Ohlebusch and Gog (SPIRE 2009) |
sdsl::bp_support_j< RankSupport, SelectSupport > | A class that provides support for bit_vectors that represent a balanced parentheses sequence. Implementation was proposed by Jacobson (1989) and Geary et al. (CPM 2004) |
sdsl::bp_support_sada< SmlBlkSize, MedBlkDeg, RankSupport, SelectSupport > | A class that provides support for bit_vectors that represent a balanced parentheses sequence. Implementation was proposed by Kunihiko Sadakane in the paper "The Ultimate Balanced Parentheses" (Technical Report 2008) |
sdsl::buffered_char_queue | |
sdsl::bwt_of_csa_psi< CsaPsi > | A wrapper for the bwt of a compressed suffix array that is based on the function |
sdsl::bwt_of_csa_wt< CsaWT > | |
sdsl::char_array_serialize_wrapper< size_type_class > | A wrapper class which allows us to serialize an char array as an int_vector |
sdsl::clock | A helper class to get time information |
sdsl::csa_sada< EncVector, SampleDens, InvSampleDens, fixedIntWidth > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Array (CSA) proposed by Sadakane for practical implementation |
sdsl::csa_sada_theo< EncVector, RankSupport > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Array (CSA) proposed by Sadakane. csa_sada_theo is the one to one implementation of Sadakane's theoretical description with our data structures |
sdsl::csa_sada_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::csa_sada_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::csa_sada_trait< 64 > | |
sdsl::csa_tag | |
sdsl::csa_uncompressed | A class for the uncmpressed suffix array (SA) |
sdsl::csa_wt< WaveletTree, SampleDens, InvSampleDens, fixedIntWidth, charType > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Array (CSA) based on a Wavelet Tree (WT) of the Burrow Wheeler Transform of the orignal text |
sdsl::csa_wt_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::csa_wt_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::csa_wt_trait< 64 > | |
sdsl::cst_bfs_iterator< Cst, Queue > | A forward iterator for a breath first traversal of a tree |
sdsl::cst_bottom_up_const_forward_iterator< Cst > | A forward iterator for a bottom up traversal of a suffix tree |
sdsl::cst_dfs_const_forward_iterator< Cst, cache_size > | An forward iterator for (compressed) suffix trees |
sdsl::cst_sada< Csa, Lcp, Bp_support, Rank_support10, Select_support10 > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Tree (CST) proposed by Sadakane |
sdsl::cst_sct< Csa, Lcp, Bp_support > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Tree (CST) proposed by Ohlebusch and Gog |
sdsl::cst_sct2< Csa, Lcp, Bp_support, Rank_support > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Tree (CST) proposed by Ohlebusch and Gog |
sdsl::cst_sct3< Csa, Lcp, Bp_support, Rank_support > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Tree (CST) proposed by Ohlebusch and Gog |
sdsl::cst_sct3p< Csa, Lcp, Bp_support, Rank_support > | A class for the Compressed Suffix Tree (CST) proposed by Ohlebusch and Gog |
sdsl::cst_tag | |
sdsl::coder::elias_delta | A class to encode and decode between Elias- and binary code |
sdsl::enc_vector< Coder, SampleDens, fixedIntWidth > | A generic immutable space-saving vector class for unsigned integers. It encodes each integer with its self-delimiting code and still provides constant time access |
sdsl::enc_vector_dna< SampleDens, fixedIntWidth > | An immutable space-saving vector class for unsigned positiv integers of the psi-values of dna data |
sdsl::enc_vector_dna_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_dna_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_prac2< Coder, SampleDens, fixedIntWidth > | A generic immutable space-saving vector class for unsigned positiv integers. It encodes each integer with its self-delimiting code and still provides constant time access |
sdsl::enc_vector_prac2_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_prac2_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_theo< Coder, SampleDens, RankSupport, SelectSupport, fixedIntWidth > | A generic immutable space-saving vector class for unsigned integers. It encodes each integer with its self-delimiting code and still provides constant time access |
sdsl::enc_vector_theo_const_iterator< EncVector > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_theo_trait< uint8_t > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_theo_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::enc_vector_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::fast_cache | |
sdsl::coder::fibonacci | A class to encode and decode between Fibonacci and binary code |
sdsl::file | A helper class to handle files |
sdsl::gap_rank_support< b > | |
sdsl::gap_select_support< b > | |
sdsl::gap_vector< b > | A bit vector which compresses very sparse populated bit vectors by representing the 1 or 0 by gap encoding |
sdsl::int_vector< fixedIntWidth, size_type_class > | A generic vector class for integers of width |
sdsl::int_vector_const_iterator< int_vector > | |
sdsl::int_vector_file_buffer< fixedIntWidth, size_type_class > | A class for reading an int_vector buffered from a file |
sdsl::int_vector_iterator< int_vector > | |
sdsl::int_vector_iterator_base< int_vector > | |
sdsl::int_vector_load_vbyte_wrapper< fixedIntWidth, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_load_vlen_wrapper< coder_type > | |
sdsl::int_vector_load_wrapper< int_vector_type > | |
sdsl::int_vector_reference< int_vector > | A proxy class that acts as a reference to an integer of length len bits in a int_vector |
sdsl::int_vector_reference< bit_vector > | |
sdsl::int_vector_serialize_min_overhead< int_vector_serialize_wrapper_type > | |
sdsl::int_vector_serialize_vbyte_wrapper< fixedIntWidth, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_serialize_vlen_wrapper< coder_type > | |
sdsl::int_vector_serialize_wrapper< int_vector_type > | |
sdsl::int_vector_trait< fixedIntWidth, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_trait< 16, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_trait< 32, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_trait< 64, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::int_vector_trait< 8, size_type_class > | |
sdsl::lcp_bitcompressed< width > | A class which stores the lcp array uncompressed |
sdsl::lcp_dac< b, rank_support_type > | A class for the compressed version of lcp information of an suffix array |
sdsl::lcp_interval< Int > | A struct for the representation of an lcp-interval |
sdsl::lcp_kurtz< width > | A class for the compressed version of lcp information of an suffix array proposed by Stefan Kurtz in the paper "Reducing the Space Requirement of Suffix Trees" |
sdsl::lcp_permuted_tag | |
sdsl::lcp_plain_tag | |
sdsl::lcp_support_sada< BitVector, SelectSupport > | Helper class which provides _lcp_support_sada the context of a CSA |
sdsl::lcp_support_tree< Lcp > | Helper class which provides _lcp_support_tree the context of a CST |
sdsl::lcp_support_tree2< SampleDens > | Helper class which provides _lcp_support_tree2 the context of a CST |
sdsl::lcp_tree_and_lf_compressed_tag | |
sdsl::lcp_tree_compressed_tag | |
sdsl::lcp_vlc< vlc_vec_type > | |
sdsl::lcp_wt< width > | A class for the compressed version of lcp information of an suffix array |
sdsl::louds_node | A class for the node representation of louds_tree |
sdsl::louds_tree< BitVector, SelectSupport1, SelectSupport0 > | A tree class based on the level order unary degree sequence (LOUDS) representation |
min_max_trait< RandomAccessContainer, Minimum > | |
min_max_trait< RandomAccessContainer, false > | |
sdsl::nearest_neighbour_dictionary< sample_dens > | Nearest neighbour dictionary for sparse uniform sets (described in Geary et al., A Simple Optimal Representation for Balanced Parentheses, CPM 2004) |
sdsl::nn_dict_dynamic | A class for a dynamic bit vector which also supports the prev and next operations |
sdsl::util::nullstream::nullbuf | |
sdsl::util::nullstream | |
sdsl::psi_of_csa_psi< CsaPsi > | A helper class for the and LF function for (compressed) suffix arrays that are based on the compressed function |
sdsl::psi_of_csa_wt< CsaWT > | A wrapper class for the and LF function for (compressed) suffix arrays that are based on a wavelet tree (like sdsl::csa_wt) |
sdsl::psi_of_sa_and_isa< Csa > | A helper class for the function for (compressed) suffix arrays which provide also the inverse suffix array values (like sdsl::csa_uncompressed) |
sdsl::random_access_const_iterator< RandomAccessContainer > | |
sdsl::range_maximum_sct< Bp_support > | |
sdsl::range_maximum_support_sada< Bp_support, Rank_support10, Select_support10 > | |
sdsl::range_maximum_support_sparse_table< RandomAccessContainer > | |
sdsl::rank_support | The base class of classes supporting rank_queries for a sdsl::bit_vector in constant time |
sdsl::rank_support_interleaved< b, blockSize > | |
sdsl::rank_support_jmc | A class supporting rank queries in constant time. The implementation is a lightweight version of the data structure proposed by Jacobson (1989), Munro (1996), and Clark (1996) |
sdsl::rank_support_v< b, pattern_len > | A class supporting rank queries in constant time. The implementation is a version of the data structure proposed by Vigna (WEA 2008) |
sdsl::rank_support_v5< b, pattern_len > | A class supporting rank queries in constant time. The implementation is a space saving version of the data structure proposed by Vigna (WEA 2008) |
sdsl::rank_support_v_trait< bit_pattern, pattern_len > | |
sdsl::rank_support_v_trait< 0, 1 > | |
sdsl::rank_support_v_trait< 01, 2 > | |
sdsl::rank_support_v_trait< 1, 1 > | |
sdsl::rank_support_v_trait< 10, 2 > | |
sdsl::nn_dict_dynamic::reference | |
sdsl::rmq_succinct_sada< Minimum, Bp_support, Rank_support10, Select_support10 > | A class to support range minimum or range maximum queries on a random access container |
sdsl::rmq_succinct_sct< Minimum, Bp_support > | A class to support range minimum or range maximum queries on a random access container |
sdsl::rmq_support_sparse_table< RandomAccessContainer, Minimum > | A class to support range minimum or range maximum queries on a random access container |
sdsl::rrr_helper< n > | Class to encode and decode binomial coefficients on the fly |
sdsl::rrr_rank_support< b, block_size, wt_type > | Rank_support for the rrr_vector class |
sdsl::rrr_rank_support< b, 15, wt_type > | Rank_support for the specialized rrr_vector class of block size 15 |
sdsl::rrr_rank_support_trait< bit_pattern > | |
sdsl::rrr_rank_support_trait< 0 > | |
sdsl::rrr_select_support< b, block_size, wt_type > | Select support for the rrr_vector class |
sdsl::rrr_select_support< b, 15, wt_type > | Select support for the specialized rrr_vector class of block size 15 |
sdsl::rrr_vector< block_size, wt_type > | A bit vector which compresses the input with the method from Raman, Raman, and Rao |
sdsl::rrr_vector< 15, wt_type > | A specialization of the rrr_vector class for a block_size of 15 |
sdsl::coder::run_length< Coder > | |
sdsl::sd_rank_support< hi_bit_vector_type, Select1Support, Select0Support > | Rank data structure for sd_vector |
sdsl::sd_select_support< hi_bit_vector_type, Select1Support, Select0Support > | Select data structure for sd_vector |
sdsl::sd_vector< hi_bit_vector_type, hi_select_1, hi_select_0 > | A bit vector which compresses very sparse populated bit vectors by |
sdsl::select_support | The base class of classes supporting select queries for a sdsl::bit_vector in constant time |
sdsl::select_support_bs< RankSupport > | A class supporting select quries by using a rank_support and binary search |
sdsl::select_support_dummy | A dummy class for select |
sdsl::select_support_interleaved< b, blockSize > | |
sdsl::select_support_mcl< b, pattern_len > | A class supporting constant time select queries (proposed by Munro/Clark, 1996) enhanced by broadword computing tricks |
sdsl::select_support_mcl_trait< bit_pattern, pattern_len > | |
sdsl::select_support_mcl_trait< 0, 1 > | |
sdsl::select_support_mcl_trait< 01, 2 > | |
sdsl::select_support_mcl_trait< 1, 1 > | |
sdsl::select_support_mcl_trait< 10, 2 > | |
sdsl::sorted_int_stack | A stack class which can contain integers from to in sorted order |
sdsl::sorted_multi_stack_support | A stack class which contains .. |
sdsl::sorted_stack_support | A stack class which contains indices of elements from an random access container and the elements are in sorted order on the stack |
sdsl::stop_watch | A helper class to meassure the time consumption of program pieces |
sdsl::structure_tree | |
sdsl::structure_tree_node | Class for a node of the structure tree |
sdsl::temp_write_read_buffer< int_width > | |
sdsl::template_class< bit_vector_type > | Short description for what template_class is used here |
sdsl::coder::ternary | A class to encode and decode between ternary and binary code |
sdsl::_lcp_support_tree2< SampleDens, Cst >::type< CST > | |
sdsl::lcp_kurtz< width >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::_lcp_support_tree< Lcp, Cst >::type< CST > | |
sdsl::lcp_dac< b, rank_support_type >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::lcp_support_tree2< SampleDens >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::lcp_bitcompressed< width >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::lcp_support_tree< Lcp >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::_lcp_support_sada< Csa, BitVector, SelectSupport >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::lcp_support_sada< BitVector, SelectSupport >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::lcp_wt< width >::type< Cst > | |
sdsl::uint256_t | |
sdsl::unsigned_char_map | |
sdsl::vlc_vector< Coder, SampleDens, fixedIntWidth > | A generic immutable space-saving vector class for unsigned positive integers |
sdsl::vlc_vector_trait< fixedIntWidth > | |
sdsl::vlc_vector_trait< 32 > | |
sdsl::wt< RandomAccessContainer, BitVector, RankSupport, SelectSupport, SelectSupportZero > | A wavelet tree class |
sdsl::wt_huff< BitVector, RankSupport, SelectSupport, SelectSupportZero, dfs_shape > | A Wavelet Tree class for byte sequences |
sdsl::wt_int< RandomAccessContainer, BitVector, RankSupport, SelectSupport, SelectSupportZero > | A wavelet tree class for sequences of big alphabet size (like integer alphabet) |
sdsl::wt_rlg< RankSupport, WaveletTree > | A Wavelet Tree class for byte sequences |
sdsl::wt_rlg8< RankSupport, WaveletTree > | A Wavelet Tree class for byte sequences |
sdsl::wt_rlmn< BitVector, RankSupport, SelectSupport, WaveletTree > | A Wavelet Tree class for byte sequences |
sdsl::wt_trait< RandomAccessContainer > | |
sdsl::wt_trait< character * > | |
sdsl::wt_trait< int_vector_file_buffer< 8, size_type_class > > | |
sdsl::wt_trait< unsigned char * > | |